About Us
Lu is an expert trainer who has owned and trained various breeds of dogs to the very highest standard. She is a world champion agility handler, bringing back a Gold Medal with one dog and Bronze with another. She has competed regularly over twenty odd years at both Olympia and Crufts (in Agility, Obedience, Flyball and Breed Showing ) and is a qualified behaviour counsellor. She has owned and worked various breeds of dogs over that period including Border Collies, Belgian Shepherds, Boxers, Poodles and Working Cockers and now has her home bred Borderpaps (Collie x Papillons) and a Working Cocker. She is also a Kennel Club approved judge.
Lu is quite unique in her outlook on training dogs, in that she says that the amount of useful information she has gained from either her B.Sc., or her many “professional” Dog Training courses / accreditations is minimal; and that it is dogs , both her own and other people’s that have taught her all about dogs and how to help them over the last thirty plus years. Most dogs have an instinctive like/love of Lu, as they seem to sense that she really does like them and understands what makes them tick.
Dogs are more than just a job to Lu, as they seem to be to so many other so- called doggy trainers and behaviourists nowadays, they are her life.
We work towards not only making your dog be well- behaved by “wanting” to please you, and do what you say, but also enabling your dog, to lead a fulfilled and happy life.
Dogs are pack animals and we believe that from a very early age they need to learn how to socialize with other dogs and people and learn how to have no fear of them and actually like them.
Most other schools keep dogs apart and on lead for the time they are learning.
At Scrambles the puppies and dogs learn to socialise with other people and dogs from as young as eight weeks.
Part of this process also includes them learning to come away from the other dogs (and other distractions) as basically they learn it’s even more productive to be with their owner than the other dogs.
I don’t think any of us would let a child go to school, but prevent them socializing and playing with each other at break times. This would not produce a well- balanced adult and we believe it doesn’t produce a well- balanced, happy, fulfilled dogs either.

Evidence of this is the recent spate of dog attacks on people and other dogs. We believe these horrible attacks could have been prevented if the dogs concerned had had adequate socializing and learnt to love all other beings.
Lu is quite unique in her outlook on training dogs, in that she says that the amount of useful information she has gained from either her B.Sc., or her many “professional” Dog Training courses / accreditations is minimal; and that it is dogs , both her own and other people’s that have taught her all about dogs and how to help them over the last thirty plus years. Most dogs have an instinctive like/love of Lu, as they seem to sense that she really does like them and understands what makes them tick.
Dogs are more than just a job to Lu, as they seem to be to so many other so- called doggy trainers and behaviourists nowadays, they are her life.
Lu has also recently taken part in a pilot tv show provisionally called “Battle of the Trainers” where she easily excelled by miles, for teaching both walking on lead nicely and recall!
And we were all very proud too, that she came out top trainer overall on points, by a long way, and also via the judge’s unanimous decision.